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Viewer Submitted ElectroTec Lab-Q Large Format System

In this episode we’re looking at a listing that was sent over by viewer Dave Raehn for his 48 box vintage ElectroTec Lab-Q system. This is a big sounds system from the days before line-arrays took over the stadium concert scene. Within the first hour of posing this video, viewer @joden68 on YouTube commented telling me to look for Mick Whelan out of Minnesota, who is alleged to have designed these boxes.
Hopefully we can catch up with Mick in the future and find out more from his perspective. If you have any more info about the system or the shows that are in the listing photographs, please do share it if you can. I hate to see this kind of information lost to time & appreciate all of your help and stories and memories.
Happy Holidays!
Here are some additional photos that Dave shared with me after the video went out.

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