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First Look & Audio Tests
The Hollyland Tech MARS T1000 wireless production intercom is here for a late first look this week. It is a five user system with four wireless channels and a base station. Two systems can be linked to create a 10 user system. Compatibility with 2 & 4-wire intercom makes this unit a great add-on possibility for wired intercom owners looking to add a few channels of wireless without breaking the bank.

Although these are a simple system, I’ll have a follow up video with more testing and thoughts coming out in the future. After I’ve had an opportunity to use these a bit more, I’d like to get them into the hands of some friends who can share their experience too. However, that may take a while as we go back into lock down again.
Mars 1.9GHz
If you’re curious about the wireless side of things and where these systems sit in the bigger picture, check out my interview with James Stoffo last year. He does a great job of condensing his much longer lecture on radio frequency allocation.
Please feel free to share this video anywhere you like – thanks for the help! Leave any questions you have here on the video & I’ll do my best to get you answers.

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