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Digital RF + Dante Audio Networking Demo

The Lectrosonics M2T is an incredible sounding system. However, many professional IEM users have not heard of them yet. While Shure and Sennheiser are the most common packs you might see on tour, Lectrosonics are out there too if you’re looking.
It is always a pleasure to have any Lectrosonics gear in for a look. This time it is their digital IEM or IFB system, on a brief but much appreciated loan. We originally saw this one at the 2019 NAMM show, however that was on a noisy trade-show floor. After hearing some of what it can do, it is incredibly nice to have a few days to demo it here privately and to share that with you.
The folks at Lectrosonics have been incredibly supportive of this channel in the past. However, this is not a sponsored video. Instead, we have to thank our good friend P.K. from Theory One Productions. He dropped by unannounced with the demo model they had on loan. The Lectrosonics M2T system is attractive to them, as touring as a monitor engineer these days requires a lot of travel. The traditional PSM-1000 kits they currently carry require a full rack space for two stereo sends, so you can understand the interest in a half rack option.
Right at the top of this video we talk about Latency. When using digital audio gear for monitors, Latency is always a concern. Thankfully, this system does not introduce a large amount of latency. You should take a moment to read the AES paper linked below. It goes into detail on how latency may affect different types of users and musicians.
After hearing this system and the clarity it offers, along with the separation it maintains between left and right channels, it’s worth trying for yourself. I’d argue a millisecond or two is a fine price to pay for a stereo image that does not collapse. The lack of companding or any audio compression on top of that true separation
Leave any questions you have about this setup in the comments on the video. The comments here are turned off due to overwhelming amounts of spam. Thanks for watching!
Lectrosonics –
AES Paper on Latency –
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