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U.K. firm Decksaver saves the day! In my recent video with the Allen & Heath CQ-18T digital mixer, I was critical of their marketing claim that it was a perfect mixer to take with you in a backpack. I was critical because, at the time of filming that video, the official Allen & Heath soft case was too big to fit inside any normal backpack. Without the soft case, carrying one in a backpack would be a surefire way to break off a knob or damage the screen.
My suggestion was for something simple that could latch over just the top of the mixer (since the rest of it is made of metal) to keep it as slim as possible while still being protected. Some of you agreed and suggested you’d like to see a cover from the folks at Decksaver, who make clear polycarbonate plastic covers for all sorts of music gear.

As it turns out, the folks at had the same idea and must have been working on a cover design already. While I don’t have one yet to show you, they just announced they will have covers for the CQ-12 and CQ-18 coming very soon! Their low-profile covers should be a great option for putting the CQ mixers into a backpack directly. You can also use them to protect the mixer when you’re away from it, mixing the show on your iPad, though I’d want to see what the CQ mixer’s internal temperatures look like with the cover on before doing that during a show for an extended amount of time.
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