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In this follow-up to my first look at the CQ-18T, we’re tearing it down and tackling some of the questions that you sent in. The CQ mixers might not have every feature built-in just yet, but we’ll look at ways to achieve some of the functionality you’re asking for (like DCAs & Mute Groups) with the third-party Mixing Station App. You also asked about expandability, MIDI controllers, multi-track recording, and more. We get into all of that while tearing the mixer down for a quick look inside.
In my opinion, the CQ mixers are an excellent budget-friendly option. They’ve got a user-friendly interface, they sound great, and they include a lot of useful features. At all price points, there are limitations to how much a mixer can do, and it can’t be an easy job to find that balance between features and cost. I think Allen & Heath have done a nice job here, especially considering price compared to their other mixer lineups. Ultimately, you’ll have to decide if they’ve hit the mark for the work you do & I hope these videos are a helpful resource as you go through that process.

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