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‘Not a risky proprietary standard controlled by a single entity’ –
The AVB crowd at are working hard to get as many manufacturers as possible into the Milan Eco-system. To make that happen, they’ve just announced a less expensive new membership option for Milan certification. What does this mean for you? If you don’t manufacture gear, not a whole lot at the moment. But, it does mean that the cost of entry is coming down to get products certified as Milan compatible. The new $1k associate membership includes the following benefits.
I’ve consistently heard the same objection about network hardware from end users, and it is not the cost of licensing. The idea of giving one private company the keys to the kingdom is the worry. It is a valid concern, with real issues beyond just cost at play. What do you think about it?
It is fascinating to see the work develop and mature so quickly across such a diverse group of industries. First to market solutions don’t always last, and sometimes only serve to educate the market for the next player. Soak up the free classes while you can, we’re doing robots next!

If you’re not hip, you can find more info on, Milan, AVB, TSN, and all of the different industries who are involved in making this project work. If you’ve been impressed by audio networking so far, wait until you see what the Automotive and Industrial markets are doing with it!

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